
Invention of Tap

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Scuffle, Shuffle, cramp roll... how are these sounds made?


Invention of the tap


American Tap Dance was brought about in the early 1900s. In 1920, tap shoes were wooden soles and heels and Capezio, a major store for dancewear and shoes, had a patent on them. Later, metal (aluminum) taps were brought about and became the norm. Tap shoes come in three basic colors, tan, white, and black. A combination of the white and black tap shoe used to be common in the 1930s-50s.Today one can pick up a wide variety of tap shoes.

Wooden Sole Shoes

The wooden sole shoes were used first in the European countries through clogging dance, which includes a series of steps that are flat footed.

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After traveling to America, they mixed their clogging techniques with those of the African American rhythms.

Soft shoe

In the 1920s the soft shoe began to gain popularity. It was first introduced by George Primrose on the Minstrel stage.

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This tap shoe wasn't very loud and was usually performed in front of an audience with a very smooth vibe.

Old school tap

The black and white standard was a classic with tappers like Bo Jangles and Rastas Brown.

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Metal taps were the next to be popular. However, the metal taps left marks all over floors and many dance studios and theatres wouldn't have tap performances due to the marks they made. Aluminum taps because the accepted taps on tap shoes and have been that way since the 1930s.




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