

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Whether it was at a dance studio or in diapers, dance has always been a part of my life. Even at the young age of five, I was front and center (whether it was because of my short height or amazing skills, I am not so sure). For some reason, remembering a dance is natural to me and I never forget any steps.

As I went to high school I tried out for the dance team and also made captain. As captain, my responsiblities were more than anyone else, but still limited (due to our strict coach). After that year, she decided that she only wanted to coaach cheerleading, leaving us with a new coach. Now my responsibilities increased. This new coach didn't really know much about current dance or how to run a team so she placed more responsibility on my shoulder. It was fun because I was in charge, but also difficult because girls on the team were older than me and started to envy my power. During my senior year, our coach got fired and a new, younger coach was hired. At first, I thought she was cool and hip. Little did I know that those green eyes of hers resembled those of the Witch of the Wicked West(I know, a little corny, but so true). This lady placed everything on my shoulders, from costumes to making up routines to who made cuts. However, although all this power was placed in my hands, she still inevitably was in charge. If she wasn't having a great week, all would be placed in my hands, but if she felt energized then she wanted to run the show. This woman made me cry more than I ever had in my life, frustration and anger overwhelmed me. Her inadequacy to decide my responsiblities from hers caused resentment from the girls on the team, and as captain, I stood alone.

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Looking back, I wonder why I let her laziness and indeciveness get to me. Through her, I learned a lot about the strength that resides in me. I dealt with the maliciousness of other girls on the team, the pressure to choreograph dances performed not only at competitions, but also in front of our peers, the nuisance of having a plan and then changes right before, and got through it all.

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