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Saved by PBworks
on December 5, 2007 at 3:04:06 pm

Is this really what have I been working all semester to find?




Throughout my exististance in what I call my life, I have always had an identity. Sure, it’s underwent some change and yes, various situations may cause me to act in different ways, but I’m still unique, me, one of a kind. Right? That’s what I have been taught in school, through my family, in dance. After reading Ulmer, I am inclined to believe otherwise.


Choosing a wide emblem has not been easy, nor has this course. After much deliberation, I finally realized (or so I hope, seeing as I won't really know until my career is over. And that's just great.) that the stage has become my wide image. My identity has always been that of a dancer. Sure, there's the outgoing Brittany, the shy Brittany, the studious Brittany etc, but in those different personalities it has always been Brittany the Dancer. Now, I am not saying that Ulmer is correct in his whack (or so I think) belief that we have no true identity, but it does remove my "blinders" and make me open my eyes just a little wider.


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I chose the stage for some obvious reasons, yes, but also for some reasons that would never had gotten my attention had I not ventured on in this class. The stage for me is a place of identity. Who I am as a person changes with the scenery, where I am on stage, the other actors around me. Recently (through the class assignments and also my psychology class) I have realized that my behaviors are affected by my surroundings and the situations that I come into contact with. My thought processes are scripted (like those of people on stage), and I play a role depending on where I am. Societal influences have molded me into this being that I don't really know. I mean, I sure as hell want to think I know myself, but then the question could be asked \"Who are you Brittany?\" And that, my friends, I do not have an answer to.


Defining myself isn't easy, (well I suppose it's not really easy for anyone) but I feel the stage could define the way I [Decisions|think].








Vernacular Genres

Pidgin Signs

The Quest Schema

On the Premises

Lyric Evaluation

Being Singular


Automatic Emblems

Ad Art


Noticing Default Moods

Corporate States of Mind



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