
Not very familiar with the area of Dallas, kind of like I'm not very well acquainted with the Clarkes. Don't get me wrong, I love Cindy and her family, I just don't get to spend much time with them.


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One thing I do know though, they're rich. (Although Cindy and my Dad are most definately not, Ha!) Cindy's sister Bonnie, lives with my four cousins and her husband in a mansion, literally. They have had probably about 5 houses in the fourteen years I've known them, and all of them have been bigger than my mom and dad's houses combined, and we don't live in small houses. Bonnie is a lawyer, and my Uncle Jay is a doctor. Great match, eh? That's not all the greatness of Cindy's family.


Her uncle is a writer and has been on shows such as David Letterman and the Colbert Report.

As you can tell, he is both smart and pretty much hilarious (as is the rest of her family.)


Her dad and two brothers are musicians, and Uncle Kristopher has actually opened up for Bowling for Soup (it's a band).


Driving to Dallas is a long and tiring drive, but once you get there it's full of excitement; there are an endless amount of Clarke talents, all different and interesting.