
Corporate States of Mind

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago



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In the presence of advertisement, McDonald's puts on a show of how great their food is, in that people can't resist it. The following two commercials demonstrate the fact that the people obviously aren't "supposed" to be eating/drinking the product, but it is so delicious that they can't help but start it. Once they have started, they have to finish, it's just that good. The commercials are a little corny, some even intended to bring about an occasional chuckle.




McDonald's website, however, is a little more professional. Although it adds the business aspect, it is still appealing to the eye. The site is uses flash and is very interactive, with different colors and many themes. Not only does it include the food served, but sports, kid's stuff, a "havin' fun" section, stuff about itself in the news, and also careers.


I think that overall the corporation is a bunch of bull, just trying to keep people eating their cheap ass food, even though it is crap. (And, yes, I used to love it.) They try to convey an atmosphere of pleasure associated with the product, their food. In their commercials they have desirable people or circumstances, and within their website they present interactive and fun things to do that distract people from the actual product(As most companies do also).

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