
Embracing the Memory


Sitting on the couch in the living room, whether it was at my mom's, mamaw's, or grandma Byrd's house, is where I became Dorothy. The opening scene is of conflict between Dorothy and the mean lady that lives across from her farm. Toto had been getting into her garden and she wants them to get rid of the dog immediately. Dorothy gets upset because her Auntie Em and Uncle won't side with her to keep Toto. Dorothy decides to take Toto and run away so that she doesn't have to lose Toto. While walking she imagines a place somewhere over the rainbow. She runs into a magician and goes inside to tell him of her mishappenings. As he is doing a reading for her, they see her Auntie Em crying out for Dorothy. As Dorothy is running home, a tornado hits and Dorothy is stuck inside the house, while her family enters the shed.


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She then embarks on a journey through Oz, trying to get home.


When she "returns" home, her family tells her it was just a dream. All of her family members were in her dream representing different characters and helping her in their own special way, relevant to earlier happenings in the movie.