
Automatic Emblems

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago

Following a Path


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Regardless of what I am doing, I am always following a path. Through my Family Discourse I use the car to get to my destinations, as my path is a road. The road is also a path in my Community Discourse in the fact that it is the place where everyone gathers during Deutschen Pfest, whether it be to walk down or to stand on the side and cheer. Different types and colors of cars drive down the road and take different routes to get there, just as the people of my community and I are all different in our own ways, pursuing our lives through different paths.


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Through my Entertainment Discourse page, I identified with all the characters (Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Cowardly Lion) in their quest down the yellow brick road, which was their path to get what they wanted in life. Just as they wanted different things with their life and do so by following a path (literally), I follow my own path through my Career Discourse as a dancer.

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